All seven partners are situated in six countries in the High North, and have Water Management related graduate subjects, MSc & PhD and other research work. Several High North related issues are addressed in existing curricula, but only sporadically and incomprehensively. Water Magic has an ambition to review all resources and develop a comprehensive module to be shared among partners.

Although all 7 partners are among the nationally (some also internationally) leading universities on teaching and research on Water Magic issues, there has been no collaboration among them in the field so far. Water Magic will develop a solid collaborating network through the proposed workshops, teamwork, student exchanges and brainstorming session, which will continue to develop beyond the project period.

The challenges in Cold Climates will become even more demanding and complexed with the impacts of Climate Change. Bigger challenges require more efficient, economical and smarter solutions. To realise them a collaboration among universities, end-users (utilities) and suppliers (SMEs) is needed and it is a focus area of the Water Magic.